Category: Asos Hair

December 10, 2021 by asos 0 Comments

When is the time for hair transplant?

When hair begins to fall out, transplanting is far from the first way to solve the problem. If any disease or disfunction is detected, first of all we need treatment and compensation for the lack of vitamins. Thus, with the help of simple supportive procedures, hair loss can be controlled over a long period of time.

The biggest problem is the appearance of additional diseases with age, if you have been waiting and hesitating for a hair transplant for too long. For example, diabetes or heart disease, high blood pressure ... Most likely, you will use some kind of medication to control these diseases. In the presence of such diseases, it will be difficult for the transplanted hair to settle down in a new place. You should not rush to a transplant, but you should not waste time in vain.                                   

If you have genetic predisposition to hair loss and it is already clear that it is impossible to stop hair loss, it is time to think about transplantation.

We are ready to advise you and help you with any hair problems.

December 10, 2021 by asos 0 Comments

Hair Transplant Recovery: Important Tips for Best Results

1. Take your medications regularly as prescribed by your doctor.

2. Drink plenty of water and eat very little salt, especially in the first three days after the procedure. You should also exclude smoking and alcoholic beverages, which is necessary for the rapid disappearance of edema that may occur in the transplant area.

3. Use the neck pillow we give you to protect the transplant area from unwanted influences during sleep. 

4. A bandage on your head prevents the swelling from spreading to your face. It should be used for the first 5 days.

5. The donor area on the back of your head is also protected by a bandage. You must remove it at the end of the first day. After that, you should use the grooming spray we gave you 2 times a day. This prevents drying and stretching.

6. For the first three days, do not touch the transplant area with your hands or anything else. On the 3rd day we will invite you to our clinic for examination and will wash your hair with a special shampoo. We will also teach you how to do this procedure yourself. 

7. It is very important to get rid of dried crusts in the first 10 days. For this reason, you must wash your hair properly every day. We will send you a training video if necessary. If you have the opportunity, you can visit our clinic every day to wash your hair during this time.


8. In the first 10 days, the transplanted area should be protected from impacts and similar injuries. Avoid dusty and dirty areas.

9. You can swim in the sea on the 20th day after the transplant. After 30 days, you can visit the pool, sauna and play sports. 

10. In the period from 15 to 60 days after the transplant, the transplanted hair will gradually fall out. The roots will remain in place.

11. During the first 6 months, more than half of the transplanted hair will grow. At the end of the first year, this figure is about 90%. 100% result is achieved in 1.5 years. 

12. You can write to us, call us or visit our clinic for any question that you may have. We will be happy to help you choose the shampoo, hair spray or vitamins to use. And also recommend special procedures that will help strengthen hair and accelerate its growth. For example, the use of stem cells or mesotherapy.

December 10, 2021 by asos 0 Comments

How many grafts can be transplanted in one session?

Doctors who answer this question almost always give the number that corresponds to their skills and capabilities. If a team can transplant 2500-3000 grafts in one session, it means that this is the right amount for them and there is no way more ... At the same time, unfortunately, they do not hesitate to blame those who can do more, and claim that the donor zone will be too badly damaged. They recommend the patient a second session a year later.

The question is where they plan to remove the grafts from during the second session? Will another 3000 grafts miraculously appear in the donor area? They have no choice but to work with the same donor area that the patient had a year ago.

We can transplant 6000-7000 grafts in one session, so the patient only needs to undergo this operation once in his life to say goodbye to baldness forever. Subscribe not to miss new records.

November 5, 2021 by asos 0 Comments

Hair transplant in Turkey. FAQ

Most of our patients ask similar questions and we decided to collect them in one place.

1. Hair transplant cost

Of course, the price of the issue worries most of all. Given the number of hair transplant clinics and centers, many make the mistake of choosing the cheapest option. Or, conversely, the most expensive.

Price focus is not always the best solution. Because pricing is influenced by many factors. For example, the number of people in the team, technical and medical equipment, the hype of the clinic.

We are a boutique clinic. We have all the resources to treat each patient carefully.

To make your dream come true and so that you do not have to come for a correction after a few years, we transplant the maximum number of grafts to the places where your hair will begin to fall out in 2-3 years.

And the price in our clinic is not tied to the number of grafts. The cost of hair transplant depends only on the method you choose: DHI or FUE. When a certain number of grafts were transplanted for a certain price and nobody cared about what would happen in a few years

2. Hair transplant - does it hurt?

We start by applying local anesthesia without injections, using a special instrument that injects the drug under the skin under pressure. When the skin is already anesthetized, we make standard injections. This process can still cause some painful sensations that quickly subside as the anesthesia begins to take effect. We also use mild sedatives if necessary.

 3. Where will the operation take place?

The operation takes place in a clinic, in an operating room specially prepared for you. At any time, you can pause the procedure to go to the toilet or just take a break. There is also a scheduled lunch break.

4. What should I expect on the first night after hair transplant?

Upon completion of the procedure, the donor area on the back of the head will be bandaged, but the transplant area will be open. You will have a special pillow for you to sleep comfortably. During sleep, it is advisable to keep the head higher (as on a high pillow) in order to reduce postoperative edema as soon as possible.

It is also important that you take medications and supplements prescribed by your doctor.

Most patients do not feel pain on the first day after the transplant, but some are prescribed pain relievers. 

5. How to wash your hair after the transplant?

 After the hair transplant on the 3rd day, you should come to the clinic for control, where we will show you how to use hair spray and shampoo and wash your hair for the first time. In the future, you will wash your hair yourself every day for 10 days to get rid of the crusts.

You need to wash your hair with a special shampoo, after softening the scalp with a spray. We are happy to present these products to you. 

6. Does hair fall out after transplant?

On the 15th day after transplant, transplanted hair will begin to fall out due to stress and within 60 days will completely fall out. After that, new hair will begin to appear from the transplanted roots. This is a completely normal and expected process. The transplanted hair roots stay in place and live happily ever after.

7. When can I see the transplant result?

Within 6 months, about 50% of the transplanted hair will show up, and by the end of the year already 90%. After 18 months, the new permanent hair will fully grow and you will be able to enjoy your new hairstyle.

8. Can I exercise after hair transplant?

During the first 10 days, you will need to protect your scalp from mechanical damage. You will also have to wait 20 days before swimming in the sea and 30 days before swimming in the pool. After 30 days, you can already go in for team sports and any other activities.

9. What else do I need to pay attention to?

It is not recommended to wear a hat after hair transplant, as the scalp must breathe and, if possible, not be subjected to mechanical pressure. In addition, hair dryers and hair gels can damage the transplanted hair.

Hair transplant videos (Video 1)

10. What will happen in place of the hair that was removed for transplantation?

The hair in the donor area (usually on the back of the head), in comparison with the hair in the transplant area, is naturally much thicker and has strong roots. We collect one of 3 or 4 grafts in this area so as to maintain equal hair density. After collecting the grafts, the appearance of the donor area practically does not change, the occipital part of the head will look the same as before the transplant. In addition, there is good blood circulation in this area, so that the postoperative marks completely heal in 2-3 days. 
